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Started by Nikolaj, 30 July 2024, 17:24

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quickly switch to the bot window: lalt+b
If this is inconvenient for you, change the key in the config.ini file
start_bot=combination key

ctrl+l - change the bot interface language. After saving the language, you need to restart the bot.
To choose what language your game is in, in the bot press the combination: alt+l
Selecting nvda modes using the keys: alt+n
The following nvda modes are available:
normal mode - normal mode is the default
passive mode - nvda will try not to interrupt speech. That is, when she is already saying something, she will try not to interrupt her pronunciation.
sleep mode - nvda completely goes silent in the game, I think this will be useful in moments when we are just standing somewhere, for example when we are mining minerals, or just standing in the city.

being on the field for entering a message in the bot chat, press the key combination: alt+enter
to get a list of online users, select the user and press enter.
the text for initial writing of a private message will already be inserted into the message entry field: /p nickname
If there is text in the text entry field and you select a user using the Alt+Enter keys, then pressing the Enter key on the selected nickname will send a message to the specified user.

Displaying private messages
while on the tabs: write a message, or in the list of messages
press f3 to get to the list of personal messages
If someone wrote to you, you will see a list of private messages.
If you press the tab key, you will be taken to a field for entering a message.
If you write a message in it and press the enter key, the message will be sent to the user from the list of the selected message.
To clear the list of incoming personal messages, while on the tabs with a list of all messages, or in the field for entering a message, press: shift+f3

select the script that you want to upload to the exchanger and press the key combination ctrl+u
added the ability to assign hot scripts:. select script and press the keys: alt+shift+ numbers from 1 to 9. thereby we assign this script to a hot key.. to run this script we use the combination: alt+ number. You can run scripts using hotkeys in any tab
ctrl+enter - press this in the chat window to make a new line in the message
f1 - to create a new script. enter a name and press enter
f3 to rename the script. enter a new name and press enter
f4 - to edit the selected script.  press ctrl+s to save changes to the script. press f1 in the script editor to find out the line number you are on, f2 - go to the line you need in the script.
added hotkeys in the script editor window
alt+b: next line starting with block=
alt+shift+b: previous line starting with block=
at the moment when a line is found, its contents are pronounced, for example: block=city

f5 - to update the list of scripts
f6 to open the file exchanger. use the up or down arrows to find the file you are interested in. press enter to download the file
Press Tab to find the "upload file" button. You can select this in Explorer or simply copy the file and paste it using the key combination ctrl+v and press enter
f7 - launch the script using a timer. you can set 1 script to run remotely, for example at 3 am when you are sleeping
left alt+g - global keyboard shortcut. works in any window. 1. If the game is closed, with these hotkeys you can start it. 2. If the game is running, you can quickly move to the game window. this is especially useful when you are fishing and have run out of vitality
added key combination to close the game: alt+q. Attention! As a rule, the key combination to close the game in the active game window does not work.
added the ability to change hotkeys for starting the game and closing the game.
To change the default keys, add the following lines to your config.ini file. you can specify key combinations that are convenient for you
launch the game, or maximize the game window
close the game
alt+r - restart the bot
Ctrl+e - Command to quickly open a bot folder

enter your message and press enter to send
Press ctrl+h in the bot window for help
press alt+t to turn on the translator for your messages. the language is configured in config.ini
press ctrl+t to enable translator for the game
press f4 to create or join a channel. Please note, if you have a test account, you cannot change the chat channel.
Press f5 to check Ping to the program server.

To run the script you are interested in, select it in the list using the down or up arrows (you can also press the first letter of the script name) and press Enter. Attention, make sure that the chat window in the game is closed, otherwise you will have to open the game again
pause and continue script execution - f2. Previously there was alt+f2 and f2, now this has been changed and just f2 in two cases
To finish running the script and close it, press ctrl+f2
Attention! When the script is paused, you will not be able to find a list of scripts in the program window, so close the script first.
Sometimes there is a problem with the key getting stuck, so I recommend not closing the script right away. Pause, open the chat window and make sure that the computer is not writing any letters into the chat. After this, feel free to close the script. if the script writes letters, continue working (f2), and after a few seconds again, pause and check again. The problem should go away.
Hotkeys for the mapper

A test option for reassigning keys for basic functions is available:
opening a character profile, opening a chat, finding out the character's hp and finding out the pet's hp.
To enable key reassignment, you need to place the necessary lines in the file: config.ini