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User manual, must read

Started by Nikolaj, 20 July 2024, 15:52

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"1. preparation for launch and launch program": ShowHide

You use the bot at your own risk. We are not responsible for the effects of the scripts you run.
Read the documentation carefully and only then ask questions. I will try to give answers to all questions.
Attention! Be sure to check the "Use NVDA" checkbox in the game settings, otherwise the bot will not be able to receive and process information.
Minimum operating system version: Windows 8.
The program runs on the x86/x64 platform
Attention, it is recommended to add the folder with the bot to the exceptions of your antivirus to avoid problems with launching or updating the program.
Sometimes an antivirus can block a program. The reason is the non-standard launch of Python scripts. Scripts are encrypted against hacking and theft.
Also, purely theoretically, an antivirus can block due to the fact that the program simulates keystrokes, which is a potentially dangerous action.
You can check the bot for Virus total, open the "Actions" tab and make sure that the bot does not contain viruses.
Unpack the archive and place the bot folder in the game folder, otherwise the script will not work, this is a prerequisite.
on a virtual machine, it is advisable to place the game on the local drive C to avoid path conflicts. It is not recommended to run the program in a shared folder.
The mwBot.exe file must be run with administrator rights. To avoid having to do this every time, open the file properties (alt+enter), find the "compatibility" tab and check the "run as administrator" checkbox.
run the mwBot.exe file
press alt+tab and look for the Windows security tab and confirm driver installation
press alt+tab and look for the window to enter the license key. insert the key and press enter.
If you did everything correctly, the program will launch successfully.
If the bot doesn't run
The bot can be used on different computers, but only one copy of the bot with the same key can be launched at a time. That is, if you run the bot on another computer, the bot program will be closed automatically on the first one.

"2. program interface and chat commands": ShowHide
The program has 3 tabs, move between them using the Tab key

"2.1. list of scripts": ShowHide
press the up or down arrows to move between script files, to run the script you are interested in press enter
List of bot hotkeys

"2.2 chat window": ShowHide

enter your message and press enter to send
Press ctrl+h in the bot window for help
List of bot hotkeys

"2.3. chat message history.": ShowHide
at the top of the chat history you will see the expiration time of your key, for example
end date: 2024-03-03 23:59:59
Thus, on March 4, your key will no longer be valid. Take care of this in advance and control the validity period of the license key.

"2.4 commands in chat": ShowHide
/report your message - you can submit a bug report using this command
/p username your text. send private message
/r your text. quick reply to the last private message
/translate_write the language in which you would like to send chat messages.. for example /translate_write en
/helpme command for test accounts. write this in the chat window and press Enter. Available admins will be moved to your channel.
To check who is online on the server, write /who in the chat and press Enter. Please note, this feature is not available for test accounts.
To check who is online in a channel, write /whochannel in chat and press Enter.
To check who is online in the channel you are interested in, write /whochannel channelname in the chat and press Enter.
To quickly change the bot's adaptation to another language, write in the chat window
/lang namelanguage2 Service commands:
/gettime - find out the current time on the server
/getdate - find out the date on the server

"3. bot interface localization": ShowHide
In the bot folder, find a folder called lang
find the file
open it and translate the text that is after the equal sign (=), save the changes and restart the program.
This way the program interface will be translated into your native language. Ukrainian is the default language.

"4. bot configuration": ShowHide
there is a main configuration file, located in the bot folder, called config.ini
this file describes the basic settings; if some parameter is missing in the configuration file, the setting will be used from the config.ini file

"4.1. example config.ini": ShowHide
Attention, your config.ini file may differ, this is not critical. I'm just describing the parameters from my file.
on the line below we indicate the text to which the game will be translated when you press and turn on the translator ctrl+t, I wrote about this above. in my example it is ru, Russian language
On the line below we indicate the language into which your messages will be translated when you press alt+t.  to use this, just press alt+t, write a message in your language and press enter.  I wrote about the translator above. in my example it is tr, Turkish language
Below you can turn off or turn on the notification when the user appears offline in the program. on is on, off is off
chat_online=off in my example, sound notifications are turned off
If you are annoyed by incoming messages in the bot, you can disable their speaking by adding the following line
To disable bot sounds, add parameter and restart the bot
to change the timeout for unpausing the script, add a parameter to the script or to config.ini. default 0.3 seconds
added the ability to change hotkeys for starting the game and closing the game.
To change the default keys, add the following lines to your config.ini file. you can specify key combinations that are convenient for you
launch the game, or maximize the game window
close the game
You can write your bot header name for convenience
window_title=mist World Bot international
Below we indicate the option for using the keyboard driver. Information about available drivers
Below is the license key
Below is the channel name, you can change it in the config or by pressing the F4 key in the chat window. Test accounts cannot change channel name.
Below you can change the language, adapt the bot to the game, the default language is English. after the change you need to restart the bot

A test option for reassigning keys for basic functions is available:
opening a character profile, opening a chat, finding out the character's hp and finding out the pet's hp.
To enable key reassignment, you need to place the necessary lines in the file: config.ini

"4.2 example configuration file for my witch": ShowHide
It is recommended to immediately specify the values, and then enable the functions you need.
I enable the game to restart if for some reason it is closed
the line below indicates that the program will automatically open the game window
Below I indicate the pets that will be used. You can specify any quantity. pets must be separated by a vertical line
I indicate that my health will be checked every 2 seconds
I indicate the speed of pressing skills in seconds, you can write fractions
The line below indicates that my character will constantly move around and kill monsters as he goes. if you specify 0, the character will stop when he finds the target, and will continue moving after killing
Below are the attack skill keys
Key names
I indicate the health level below which the character will heal himself
Below is the mana level below which the character will drink a blue bottle
Below I indicate that the game will not be closed if I run out of red bottles
Below I indicate that the game will not be closed if I run out of blue bottles
Below I indicate the pet's health level below which it will drink a red bottle
Below I indicate the pet's health level below which it will drink a blue bottle
Below I indicate the satiety level of the pet, below which the pet will eat a rice ball
Below is the key for healing, in my example it is the letter u
Below is the key for the character's blue bottle
Below is the key for the red pet bottle
Below is the key for the blue pet bottle
Below is the key to use rice ball
Below is a key for repairing equipment (repair box or pliers)
I turn on a character's health and mana check
turn on the radar, search for monsters
include attack, use of skills
below it is indicated that my witch will repair equipment using a repair box
Below I turn on the function of calling a pet
Below I include pet health control
Below I turn on the control of satiety of the pet
below I include cleaning the bag from garbage

"5. description of the program structure and interaction with it": ShowHide
The files folder contains the files you downloaded.
The log folder contains program event logs. Don't forget to manually delete the log files because they will become large over time.
The lang folder contains files for adapting the bot to different interface languages ��in the game. the bot interface files are also stored in this folder
the scripts folder contains files with your scripts. This folder also contains the wall folder, which stores maps with obstacles; this is necessary for the automatic route search by coordinates to work correctly.
Obstacle maps. How to use it? character auto navigation

in the bot folder you will find the file clearbag.txt
write in it a list of garbage that will be automatically thrown out of the bag.
find the file stopwordwall.txt, you can specify a list of obstacles in it, this is necessary if your character moves randomly. for example, a character hits a wall and he will automatically change the direction of movement.
The update.exe file is responsible for updating the program. If for some reason you were unable to update when you started the program, run this file

"6. a few words for advanced users": ShowHide
With the help of triggers you can handle most situations in the game. I'll show you some examples
Below is a trigger, if the character hits the edge of the map, then the script will go to line 26, it says that the character should go to the center of the map. This is protection against the key getting stuck. players often encounter this problem
add_action_speak=bordermap={"text": ["^edge$"], "command": ["go_to_line", "26"]}
now the trigger body itself, a regular expression
the ^ sign means that the line will begin with this text and no other
then the word "edge" is written
The $ sign means that the line ends with this text.
this way the trigger won't fire if someone sends you the word "edge" in a private message.
You can find detailed information about the notation on the Internet; I wrote you a small example. gpt chat can generate good regular expressions.
The logic of the script depends only on your imagination and understanding of the game mechanics.

"7. a few words about everything I didn't say": ShowHide
The mortal script is responsible for the resurrection of the character. you can explore and edit it
The login script is responsible for authorizing the character. you can explore and edit it individually
script names can be written in any language.

"8. game configuration for the bot to work correctly": ShowHide
target distance must be indicated at the end
You need to check the display of professions if you want the bot to bypass players and not collide with them. you also need to disable the first item in the settings, displaying the serial number of the target
you need to choose whether to announce the amount or percentage of health
You also need to choose to display buffs and debuffs at the beginning