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Cartographer function. What is it for and how to use it

Started by Nikolaj, 20 July 2024, 12:08

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To ensure the successful operation of the automatic navigation system function `goposition=x|y`, it is necessary to create terrain maps.
A new feature has been added that simplifies working with maps and saves your time.
Attention! If you want to add obstacles to an existing terrain map, make sure the last row in it is empty. This is important!
The list of hotkeys is set in the `config.ini` file.
The game may block keys. In my case, I always start the game first, then launch the bot. This way, my keys are not blocked by the game.
Below I am posting a list of default keys.  If this doesn't work for you, change the keys; I can't tell you exactly which keys will work in your case.

save coordinates to file:
choice of cardinal direction (north, west, south, east):
reduce the width of the wall:
Increase wall thickness:
save the current point where the starting and ending points are:
choice of first or second point:
delete point selection:

If your keys are not working, add these settings to your config.ini file and change the keys.
In the script list window, press `ctrl+r` to enable/disable the cartographer.
Hotkeys work directly in the game window with the cartographer enabled:
Now let's go through the example of creating the western wall of Rock City
I will describe everything step-by-step, and you use your character to follow along exactly.
1. I go to the western gate of Rock City.
2. Enable the cartographer
3. Stand at coordinates 135 195, press the hotkey to specify the wall, select "east".
4. Press the hotkey to find the starting and ending point
5. Press the hotkey to save the position to a point.
6. Go up to coordinates 135 136. This is the top of the wall.
7. Save the position to a point, don't forget to switch it
8. Our wall is 2 coordinates wide, so I press the hotkeys specified in `config.ini` and increase the wall thickness to 2
That's it, the wall is ready, save the wall data to a file. All hotkeys are configured in `config.ini`
Points can be recorded from any side, it is not critical. I recorded y1 in the first point for better clarity.

Option to explain the principle of creating walls from Dippydippy

maybe this will help. when building walls in the map that is exactly what your doing, building a map, but just a virtual one. Think of those games like SBYW where you can build maps, its the exact same concept.
lets say you have a small map from 1 to 50 x and y
northwest corner, 1 1
northeast corner, 50 1
southwest corner, 1 50
southeast corner, 50 50

your going to build a single wall near the top left corner that is going to be 3 thickness and 10 long

the start point will be 10
the end point will be 20
the thickness means the skinny part of the wall, its 3 thick, so in this case it would be its Y coordinates from
1 to 3

10-20 1-3

if the wall had no thickness and was only 1 coordinate thick it would look like

10-20 1

the reason the thickness in the last example is 1 is because I placed the wall right on the north of the map.
copy paste that and try to picture in your mind lol
hopefully you can make some sense of it, I meant to say the start point is 10 and the end point is 20 rofl
it took me a second to realise what it meant by thickness, all your doing there is taking a wall and putting your index and thumb on it and stretching it out to make it fatter, its girth would match the coordinates that you are unable to walk to because there is a fat wall there XD